Join Us For a Live Webinar!

Pathway to Authentic Leadership

How to be an Authentic Leader without sacrificing your soul


Join Us For a Live Webinar!

Pathway to Authentic Leadership

How to be an Authentic Leader without sacrificing your soul

"I feel inspired after your one-hour webinar to stay aligned with my values and goals. It's easy to get off track with life. It was a great quick hit - thank you! "

Laurie G. -Participant

"Taking a moment to discuss authentic leadership with Françoise enabled me to refocus my thoughts on my values, my ambitions and the next step in my career."

Pascale P. - Participant

Calling all women leaders who are feeling, exhausted and

unfulfilled to join us on...

Wednesday, October 18th

3 pm - 4 pm Atlantic

Limited Spots Available

Reserve Yours Today!

In this webinar, we'll uncover 3 fundamental key elements:

  • What authenticity is and what it is not
  • Well-being is not just for people who have time
  • The only way forward is to bust the self-imposed barriers

When you join us, you'll walk away with...

  • Clarity on what it means to be your true self
  • Different ways to integrate well-being in your work-life journey
  • Mindset hacks to tackle limiting beliefs

I’m going to show you how you can go from feeling stretched too thin and overwhelmed to getting rooted and aligned with a life that you LOVE.


Meet Françoise.

If I'm not hiking, paddling, or skiing, I am probably hosting a leadership retreat. In all things I do - personally or professionally - nature & wellbeing are part of it. I BELIEVE THAT more than ever women can use nature and wellbeing as the key to their success in all aspects of their lives and transform traditional leadership environments.

Over the last three decades, I have served in various senior leadership roles from 1998 to 2021, including c-suite in the private and public sectors . I have spearheaded programs and change management initiatives that have contributed to multi millions of revenue dollars for various private, public organizations and NGOs. And what I’ve come to learn is that very simply, women lead and compete differently. They often define success differently. They have circumstances that are different than male leaders. I’ve also learned that women crave an environment to connect and fuel their drive to do better, especially in the context of cultural biases, environmental influences and sometimes, limiting beliefs. This is what made me the leadership coach and mentor I am today.