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The power of authentic feminine leadership

Feeling alone? Here's the perfect solution if you want to be a part of a trusted group of other women leaders to hone your leadership skills, achieve your ambition and drive results through more effective and strategic leadership.

It is a supportive container to help transform from overcommitted and overwhelmed leaders to confident managers, directors, entrepreneurs and CEOs.


Who is this Mastermind for?

This mastermind is for women leaders who really want to

  • be a better leader that feels calmer, confident, and rooted in her values
  • access a trusted group of other leaders to share ups and downs and get support and advice when going through challenges and similar struggles
  • be part of a community that meets regularly and that feels like reconnecting with old friends
  • stop following typical male approaches to leadership which are often counterintuitive to women leaders and start to look up to other women who lead on their own terms

Our customers love their experience

"I used to downplay my efforts and underestimate my work, but thanks to the Mastermind, I now believe in myself and know I'm capable. I've learned to value myself and never minimize the scope of my tasks."

- Nathalie D.

"I decided to embark on this Mastermind to get out of my daily routine and think about things differently. Nature really helps me to find myself and to see the other women I respect so much!"

- Andrée S.

"I found a world of support and inspiration through the Mastermind, where I learned to manage my day-to-day life and realized the importance of connecting with others to avoid stumbling."

- Myriam H.

Support. Advice. Wellness. Celebration.

True Nature Women’s MasterMind is a professional group of career and leadership-minded women to share the ups, downs and challenges of your work life journey. Join mentor Françoise Roy for a unique program designed to support you as you hone your authentic leadership style. In a community of supportive female peers:

Receive advice and resources to help you position yourself for even greater things. 

Raise your aspirations

Stay on top of leadership trends for women

Gain inspiration from others in a professional and safe space

Unlock your higher potential

Elevates the importance of wellbeing

True Nature Women’s Mastermind provides in-depth mentoring & support to women leaders who are entrepreneurs, or from the public, private and non-profit sectors. This intimate mastermind & support circle is perfect for rising & established leaders who are building up the authentic leadership skills required to lead teams and organizations from a place of confidence, calm and without compromising their values or well-being.

A lot of women leaders express to me that they either feel like they’re losing their north star in the overwhelm of responsibilities & that the last thing they want is to be out of alignment with their values & families. I also hear that it’s not easy for women leaders to find their voice in a male-dominated environment. Women leaders definitely feel lonely at the top. And I certainly felt the same in my 30-year career, leading teams and organizations. 

This is why I bring True Nature Women’s Mastermind to the forefront. You don’t have to be alone. 

As a mentor for women leaders, I help you reconnect with your inner confidence and your style of leadership through various conversations, training, nature & wellness activities. 


Accountability to Achieve your Goals

True Nature Women’s Mastermind offers a unique accountability partnership that helps you stay on track to achieving your goals. Having someone to help you brainstorm solutions and offer encouragement is invaluable when working to accomplish something important.


A Sounding Board for New Ideas

If you’re looking for a sounding board for new ideas, look no further than True Nature Women’s Mastermind. Our members are experienced professionals who can provide valuable feedback and insights on your latest project or venture. It will give you a place to share your ideas and get feedback and get invaluable outside perspectives on your leadership challenges.


Elevate your Skills

By bringing together leaders at different levels of success and with different strengths and weaknesses, each member can lend their strengths to other members of the group and work on their weaknesses. This allows you to walk away from each meeting with new skills and strategies that you can implement immediately.


A Network of Powerful Women

As a member of True Nature Women’s Mastermind, you will have access to a powerful network of like-minded women. This is a great resource for finding connections, networking opportunities, and building relationships. Members can also share contacts, provide recommendations and references.


Question your Limiting Beliefs

The mastermind will help you question your limiting beliefs, face your fears and challenge you to do better. It provides a safe place for honest feedback and open discussion which is essential for personal and professional growth.

What's Included?


Talking Circle, is a safe, non-judgmental place where each participant has the opportunity to contribute to the discussion, sharing, learning, providing and receiving feedback. 90 min sessions, bi-monthly.


There is also a Member Loveseat: Deep dive into a specific challenge that one member is having and offer up actionable potential solutions.


Workshops with guest speakers will offer a deep dive into subjects such as having difficult conversations, imposter syndrome and life-work balance. 

Power Pause Day

A day of learning, recharging your batteries, including wellbeing, nature and the opportunity to reconnect.

"I would say that in my experience, this has been a very important support system. For me, getting to know these other women and knowing that I have these lifelines, that I can call on should I need them, is an incredibly valuable tool."


- Dawn A.

About True Nature Women’s Mastermind

This mastermind is a carefully designed mentoring and support safe space for motivated women leaders who want to become better leaders, authentic to their values. And who also want to make bigger leaps while feeling fully supported by a trusted group of other leaders when going through challenges and similar struggles. 

Here’s what we’ll do together inside this 6-month mastermind:

  • Bi-monthly online sessions including mastermind sessions & hands-on workshops with guest speakers
  • 2 individual mentoring sessions with Françoise 
  • A private community platform for sharing content and support with other leaders
  • Access to session replays
  • Nature & wellness oriented suggestions each month
  • Priority registration and special price to RESET Authentic Leadership Retreats

What to expect from your experience in The Mastermind


You want to access a network of diverse, intelligent and ambitious women leaders who understand you and can support your authentic leadership journey. 


You want support from the group as well as from a mentor who has not only more than 30 years of experience in leadership but has guided dozens of clients to breakthrough success in the last year through one on one mentoring and workshops.


You want to be surrounded by a community of women leaders you can trust , which help you level up faster and address situations in a more confident way.

Connecting with women leaders, I was able to reflect on the type of leadership that I felt I was able to do, aligned with my values, in the way that I would like to lead. I had some male approaches to leading, which was counterintuitive to my essence. And I was really looking for examples of women leadership…. to look up to and say, okay, yes, this is how they lead. And I can see myself leading that way.

Myriam H.

Does this sound like you?

  • You are struggling with finding your place working in a male-dominated industry
  • You are drained by human resources & people management
  • You feel you’re lacking a vision for yourself and your team
  • You’d like to feel more confident at the table and imposter syndrome is make it hard for you
  • You'd like to become an executive but you’re not sure if you have the confidence in you
  • You struggle with work/life balance 
  • You’re out of breath between mentoring employees, learning new files, and keeping the teams motivated
  • You’re not sure how to handle difficult conversations and deal with difficult employee behavior
  • You feel lonely at the top and not sure where to get support

Meet Françoise.

Françoise brings insight, compassion and strategy to the thorniest leadership challenges. A skilled mentor and coach, she empowers developing leaders to identify their strengths, find their voice and meet their goals. A lifelong hiker, cyclist and paddler, Françoise uses the forests and waterways of Eastern Canada as inspiration for professional development opportunities that can change lives.

As president of Solva Strategies Inc, Françoise and her team are focused on supporting women’s career development in the context of change. Her outdoor retreats offer participants time and space for self-discovery while revealing confidence-building skills and strategies to break down personal barriers and support professional growth.

What's Included?

  • Bi-monthly online Group Sessions (Talking Circles & Workshops)
  • 2 mentoring sessions with Françoise (60 min each)
  • A private community platform for sharing content and support (LinkedIn)
  • Access to replays
  • Nature & wellness oriented suggestions each month
  • Priority registration and special price to RESET Authentic Leadership Retreats


Frequently Asked Questions

Why only women?

Very simply, women lead and compete differently. They often define success differently. They have circumstances that are different than male leaders.

And what I’ve come to learn is that women crave an environment to connect and to fuel their drive to do better, especially in the context of cultural biases, environmental influences and sometimes, limiting beliefs.

When and where is this happening?

The 6 month program is essentially online, bi-monthly 90 min sessions. However one session will be in person, a full-day Nature & Wellness Power Pause.

The program starts every January and June and sessions will be the first Wednesday of every month. There is a rolling enrollment, and one can join anytime.

What kinds of questions can you bring to the love seats and circles?

All questions that are related to you as a leader, for example, navigating a difficult situation with a boss, colleague or employee. Or having a difficult conversation.

How do I care more? How do I care less?

Finding my voice, having the courage to act, and overcoming imposter syndrome.

How do I put myself first without letting my team or my family down?
How do I deal with “mansplaining”!?

What is your refund policy?

Participants agree that they are responsible for payment of fees for the full duration of the program regardless of whether you attend or actually complete the program, and regardless of whether you have selected to pay in full or monthly payment plan. Once the Client is accepted into this program, no refunds will be issued and all monthly payments must be paid on a timely basis.

Solva Stratégie Inc. reserves the right to cancel the program if at any point she or he feels it is not advantageous for the mastermind program to continue. If this happens, the Client is only responsible for the pro rata share of coaching and mastermind services received.

Tell me more about the Reset Authentic Leadership Retreats for Women Leaders.

As part of the mastermind prgram, you have first priority to attend the Reset Retreats in the spring and in the fall - at a special discounted price. Reset is an all-inclusive, personal and professional growth, leadership retreat for rising female leaders like nothing you’ve ever attended before. Reset will help you identify and develop your leadership skills, learn techniques to center yourself and re-focus while in nature.

Tell me more about the Love Seat

Sometimes, you are facing a big workplace leadership challenge that you really need to unpack and figure out. This is where you have the opportunity to talk it out in more detail with others in the group who offer perspective and likely share similar experiences.

Tell me more about wellness & nature during the 6 months

Monthly, there will be information and tips offered to help you stay on top of your self-care and sometimes how you might integrate nature into that well-being.

Are You Ready To Take Yourself to a Whole New Level?